Selasa, 02 April 2013

Love Life

di 19.31
There is not a single word in the whole world
That could describe the hurt
The dullest knife just sawing back and forth, 
And ripping through the softest skin there ever was

How were you to know?
Oh how were you to know?

And I, I hate to see your heart break
I hate to see your eyes get darker as they close
But I’ve been there before

Love, happens all the time
To people who aren’t kind
And heroes who are blind
Expecting perfect scripted movie scenes
But what’s an awkward silence mystery?

That's a lyrics of my new favourite song. I don't know who i loved. But , God i just want to love someone who take me to your heaven. I know so many mistakes that i've been doing. And all the hurts that i feels is not enough to pay it. I just want to live with someone who cares, Love me, my family and of course Love You God. Now i have a guy that maybe he has love me, but in the future i don't know. I just pray that i've found the right man. He will take care of me when i'm afraid. And makes me smile when i feel down. I hope that the right man will be coming soon. Maybe this is the right man that i've waiting for, please protect me and him to holding hand and face the world together :)

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