Senin, 24 September 2012

Dream, Believe and Make it Happened - Agnezmo (Agnes Monica)

di 07.17 1 komentar
I think this is a famous quote in Indonesia, maybe in the world. This quote from my inspiration artist Agnes Monica. She's so amazing i think. Everything she does always amazing. Her Acting , Her Song, her dance and another thing she does. I'm always being her fans. When i was young i always dreaming to be her dancer, LOL :D it's so funny, but really i love dance and I love Agnes. Thanks for being my inspiration. From her i know we can do anything if we can believe and we try to make it happen. If we doing something we have to totally do that. We life from dream and from this dream we believe we can do it and we try to make it happened. So keep spirit to make our dreams come true. Always believe we can do it ;)

Rabu, 23 Mei 2012


di 06.43 0 komentar
Hi Semua. .
ada yang berminat berbisnis Online.
Mudah lho..
Bisa menghasilkan Jutaan Rupiah tiap Bulannya.
Tanpa Mengganggu Kegiatan Kerja, Kuliah, Atau Sekolah kita. caranya juga gampang.
Tinggal Klik aja DISINI
dan klik gabung sekarang.. :)

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